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Ofertas de Trabajo de Coordonnatrice des Événements en Shenzhen

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Shenzhen Coordonnatrice des Événements
Dir-Food & Beverage-A
Dir-Food & Beverage-A

Marriott Worldwide

Dir-Food & Beverage-A

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Man Ho Shiftleader
Man Ho Shiftleader

Marriott Worldwide

Man Ho Shiftleader

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Director of Rooms 房务总监
Director of Rooms 房务总监

Marriott Worldwide

Director of Rooms 房务总监

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Lobby Lounge Shiftleader
Lobby Lounge Shiftleader

Marriott Worldwide

Lobby Lounge Shiftleader

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Purchasing Manager
Purchasing Manager

Marriott Worldwide

Purchasing Manager

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo

Marriott Worldwide


Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Loss Prevention Officer
Loss Prevention Officer

Marriott Worldwide

Loss Prevention Officer

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo

Marriott Worldwide


Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo
Loss Prevention Officer 防损员
Loss Prevention Officer 防损员

Marriott Worldwide

Loss Prevention Officer 防损员

Shenzhen, China
A tiempo completo

2 páginas