Emirates Culinary Guild
Emirates Culinary Guild
Émirats arabes unis

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The Emirates Culinary Guild (ECG) (www.emiratesculinaryguild.net) is the association of professional chefs of the UAE. It is a non-profit-making organisation, organised by volunteers dedicated solely to the advancement of culinary art in the UAE.

Worldchefs, the World Association of Chefs Societies (www.worldchefs.org) is the 105-nation fellowship of the world's various professional chefs' organisations.

The ECG received its charter into Worldchefs at a ceremony in Stavanger, Norway on June 28, 1994, during the Worldchefs 26th World Congress. Worldchefs endorses the ECG as the authorized professional culinary association for the UAE. The ECG, thereby, has an international culinary focus and multi-national support for the staging of its various competitions, seminars and events.

The aims of the ECG, broadly, are:
-To encourage and inspire young chefs through training and competition.
-To enhance internationally the culinary prestige of the UAE.
-To encourage UAE nationals to consider a career within the hospitality industry.

Actualités récentes de Emirates Culinary Guild

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Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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