Feed the Planet
Feed the Planet
Paris, France

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En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


Feed the Planet is an initiative to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals and to support people in need through education. Founded by WORLDCHEFS, it is run in partnership with Electrolux Foundation and AIESEC.
Our major programs include:
1. Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals: 7 day program to educate chefs on 7 important sustainability topics
2. Like A Chef: Free professional culinary training for the underprivileged
3. Food Heroes Challenge: 70 minute workshop to educate kids about sustainable eating habit
4. Food Waste Challenge: 4 month challenge to cut waste at your food services

Actualités récentes de Feed the Planet

Où nous trouver
15 Rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, France