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Avani Quy Nhon Resort & Spa

Avani Quy Nhon Resort & Spa

Quy Nhơn, Vietnam

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Dreams of a secluded beach and spa hideaway come to life in contemporary style at AVANI Quy Nhon Resort & Spa. Providing all the right ingredients for laid back relaxation with attention to the details that really matter, our upscale retreat is the only internationally managed resort in the region, nestled between a palm fringed beach and mountains covered with fruit orchards.
A quiet and completely private beach allows you to sunbathe on a kilometre long stretch of soft sand and swim undisturbed in clear ocean water. This very private retreat offers a real Robinson Crusoe style escape with neighbouring islands to explore. Delectable dining at Quy Nhon’s only international restaurant is enjoyed on a cliff-side with panoramic views. Our award-winning spa comes with the extra temptation of complimentary wellness and lifestyle classes.

    Minor Hotel Group
    Number of rooms

Actualités récentes de Avani Quy Nhon Resort & Spa

Où nous trouver
Qui Nhơn, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam
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