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Bespoke Hospitality Management Asia (BHMAsia) is a regional Asian Pacific management, development and consulting group specializing in all aspects of the hospitality business. In addition to providing consulting and management for all sizes of hotels, resorts, villas, spas and serviced apartments the group also offers branding, feasibility, brokerage and development services for all sizes of hospitality establishment, owners and investors. The company is owned and operated by a mix of international and local executives with high-level experience in all areas of the industry.
Operating as a private and independent company, BHMAsia is able to adopt a very flexible and pragmatic approach to all challenges and tasks, and thereafter able to tailor-make solutions to meet each client’s needs. Unlike large corporations in the management industry we have no rigid set structures that we must follow, enabling us to think outside the box and get things just right for just your bespoke property.
What makes BHMAsia different is that we have true international expertise in consulting and management services for both hotels & resort properties as well as condominium & villa developments. These services take our clients all the way from the very early sourcing & planning stages right through to the operations, management and running of establishments.
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