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Fraser Suites Le Claridge Champs-Elysées

Fraser Suites Le Claridge Champs-Elysées

Paris, France

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Thank you for your interest in being part of the team at Frasers Hospitality. At Frasers, we value our staff, whom we affectionately call Frasians, as individuals having unique capabilities, aptitudes and interests. We believe in working with self-driven team players and nurture them to the fullest of their abilities, by grooming them with structured training programmes and giving them exposure to the world’s best practices.

Passionately guided by Frasers' Vision and Core Values, we Frasians work in an atmosphere that is friendly and intimate as we care for and support one another like in a big family. We have a single-minded goal of serving our customers and ensuring the success of the company. We empower our people with what they need so that they can execute their jobs with passion and dedication. Our customers appreciate the attention to details and service that comes from the heart which only a happy Frasian can deliver.

As hospitality professionals, Frasers offers career options for those who desire more than a hospitality job, but a fulfilling career with a global outlook, anywhere in the world be it in Asia, Europe or Middle East. We are open to anyone who shares in our Vision and our Core Values, would dedicate themselves to us, and entrust us to bring out the best in them.

If serving others is your passion, and if you have an inborn desire to make someone’s day everyday by playing a hospitable host to all the guests who come through our doors, then Frasers Hospitality might well be the place for you. Yes, we would love to hear from you.

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    Frasers Hospitality

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Où nous trouver
Paris, France
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