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Impact Hub Geneva

Impact Hub Geneva

Genève, Suisse

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En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


Impact Hub Geneva is about the power of people with ideas. We invite you to take part!

Located in the heart of Geneva, we provide a space where entrepreneurs and innovators come together to prototype new models for a society that works for all - connecting sectors, industries and cultural background. We offer access to an inspiring working space, a vibrant learning community, startup incubation programmes, inspiring events and innovative workshops and courses. As a member, you join a community of over 10 000 members in 70+ Impact Hubs across the world, innovating for a new kind of economy.

Combining the best from a social innovation lab, learning community and startup incubator, we provide a collaborative space to prototype the future of society.

    10,000 + members

Actualités récentes de Impact Hub Geneva

Où nous trouver
Rue Fendt 1, 1201 Genève, Switzerland
Employeurs suggérés
Mama Shelter Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Milan, Italie
Craves Hotel
Bruxelles, Belgique
Rome, Italie
Voir plus
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Ajoutez des images et vidéos pour montrer à quel point c'est génial de travailler à Impact Hub Geneva