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The Carlton Tower Jumeirah

The Carlton Tower Jumeirah

England, Royaume-Uni

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This December, The Carlton Tower Jumeirah will reopen its doors after an extensive and intricate renovation of the iconic London hotel.

As when the hotel was first opened, the new vision will challenge tradition while remaining faithful to its heritage and architectural legacy. The re-launch will reveal signature interiors combined with exquisite facilities and service standards crafted to show the famed Jumeirah hospitality at its very best.

This is an exciting and rare career opportunity to be part of an exceptional team at an exceptional time.

If you have passion and ambition that sets you apart from your peers, if you can deliver true craftsmanship and quality with charm and flair then join us in creating the best team in the business.

    Guest Rooms

Actualités récentes de The Carlton Tower Jumeirah

Partie de
Jumeirah Group
Dubai, Émirats arabes unis
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London, UK
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