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Mystic Cruises is an ocean cruise division belonging to Mystic Invest, a Portuguese privately held financial holding with more than 25 years of experience in the shipping sector.
Our ambition is to launch several luxury expedition ships and become a relevant player in the cruise industry. World Explorer is the first vessel in our fleet of ocean-going ships.
The Mystic Cruises fleet will be reserved by quality charter clients, engaged in providing a remarkable experience to their guests.
Nearly all accommodations are balcony suites of a standard 26 square meters with top suites ranging from 36 square meters to 46 square meters, including balcony. 24 ‘infinity cabins’ of 26 square meters have no balcony but include a glass wall facing the sea. The top part of the wall can be opened to the fresh air.
We invite you to explore our incredible destinations on board the exceptional World Explorer. With only 200 passengers and 110 crew, World Explorer will provide an intimate luxury experience while travelling to the most desirable worldwide destinations. We sail into the heart of landmark cities, as well as to small, exclusive ports where larger vessels cannot enter.
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