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NH Hotel Group is one of the top 25 hotel chains in the world and one of the main ones in Europe, currently operating close to 400 hotels with almost 60,000 rooms in 30 countries in Europe, America and Africa.
NH Hotel Group stands out in quality both as regards services and facilities, with a very carefully thought out decoration, intended to please all tastes and making the guest feel comfortable. NH Hotel Group's establishments offer the most advanced technologies designed to facilitate the guest's communication as well as his work and leisure.
The restaurants are another priority for hotels in the chain, offering guests first-rate cuisine.
NH Hotel Group is a responsible company in the Tourism industry. The chain offers hotel services which anticipate present and future needs of both our internal and external stakeholders (Employees, Clients, Shareholders, Suppliers, Environment, etc.), the communities where we operate and future generations with maximum attention to detail and efficient and sustainable solutions.
NH Hotel Group is listed on the Stock Exchange of Madrid.
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