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Rihiveli Beach Resort, Maldives

Rihiveli Beach Resort, Maldives

Malé, Maldives

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Welcome to Rihiveli Beach Resort Maldives, where you can truly relax and let your hair down!

In a convivial, back-to-basics family-style environment, rediscover the joy of heart-to-heart communication in a pre-gadget, less-complicated world, where people are your best companions, nature satisfies your needs, and home is where you derive comfort and pleasure.

There’s no need to stand on ceremony in this topical island paradise, because everything else is at its most natural – like the breathtaking splendour of the expansive sky, shimmering allure of the warm cerulean water, and glorious hues that only nature could have created.

Stay in one of our 48 sea-facing bungalows accommodation in Maldives, which offers all the facilities and amenities you’ll need…and just a little more, such as the spacious living space with gently whirring fans, and separate bathrooms with indoor and outdoor showers. You also have a terrace, and private garden that leads you directly to the warm lagoon water.

Just 400 metres from your holiday home are Sunrise Island and Birds Island, which you can easily reach on foot. Unmarred by development, they are cloaked in verdant foliage and complemented by lovely beaches.

Your stay includes accommodation, half-board or full-board and a whole host of sporting activities from sailing to water-skiing, island hopping and night snorkelling, and from volleyball to tennis, basketball, billiards and board games.


Actualités récentes de Rihiveli Beach Resort, Maldives

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Où nous trouver
Male, Maldives
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