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The trees rise up above you. Majestic and lush, the foliage reaches for the ground, like falling rain suspended in the form of vibrant green leaves. These century-old trees accentuate the grandeur that surrounds you at Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa, Penang.
he resort is replete with a sense of history, place and tradition. Its distinctive Minangkabau architecture houses even more artefacts of Malaysian culture. You feast your eyes on the artfully-arranged traditional jewellery, batik-printing moulds, coral sculpture, and signature items from the prolific Malaysian kitchen. With so much cultural history, it’s no surprise that Penang’s capital, Georgetown, has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Actualités récentes de Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa Penang
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