Rejoignez Hosco et recevez les dernières nouvelles et opportunités de SII-Internships & Immersion Programs Limited gratuitement !
En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.
Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue – not only as customers but also as friends.
Looking for an exciting internship in one of China's most influential mainland capitals?
We invite you to experience the vibrant business scene and welcoming atmosphere of Chengdu!
1) Intern with a high-profile international or local company! Establish life-changing connections with your supervisors and clients
2) Experience complete cultural immersion with the help of language programs and activities such as Tai Chi, Calligraphy, Kong Fu, and more
3) Discover the 'real China' in one of it's most important mainland capitals - CHENGDU!
Actualités récentes de SII-Internships & Immersion Programs Limited
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Ajoutez des images et vidéos pour montrer à quel point c'est génial de travailler à SII-Internships & Immersion Programs Limited