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The Leela Palace, New Delhi

The Leela Palace, New Delhi

New Delhi, Inde

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The Leela Palace New Delhi boasts 260 rooms in the exclusive Diplomatic Enclave. Recently opened, The Leela Palace New Delhi is considered to be among the finest in India. The hotel is in close proximity to some of Delhi’s many tourist attractions: the Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister’s office and the Central Business District are a few of the sights in the vicinity.

The Leela Palace New Delhi's rooms are the largest in the capital spanning more than 550 sq ft. while the Presidential Suite itself spans 4425 sq. ft. Each room is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and amenities.

    The Leela
The Leela Palace, New Delhi

Actualités récentes de The Leela Palace, New Delhi

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
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