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Voi Hotels

Voi Hotels

Rome, Italie

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VOIhotels was created with customers in mind and Italy at heart.

Our concept’s dual foundations is reflected in our name.

“VOI”, which in Italian means You, does not just refer to our guests, but it is also the acronym of “Vera Ospitalità Italiana” – real Italian hospitality – interpreted as an enthralling experience offered in every location and based on the certainty of international standards enriched by an unmistakable Italian Touch.

In every location, when you set foot in a VOIhotel, you step into an atmosphere of Italian heritage, traditions, cuisine and lifestyle, for a unique and totally enthralling experience.

VOIhotels is the last creation of Alpitour, the Italian most important Travel Group.

Operating since 1947, it evolved over the years into an integrated group including today different divisions ranging from aviation and tour operating to incoming and hotel management.
As part of a general repositioning of the group, based on an international re-launch, the hotel division created a new brand with a strong and clear Italian identity: VOIhotels.

VOIhotels is convinced that such a concept is able to suit the needs and expectations of the demanding contemporary guests, be they Italian or not, business or leisure travellers.


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Où nous trouver
Via Ernesto Lugaro, 15, 10126 Torino TO, Italy
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