Stenden South Africa

Stenden South Africa

Port Alfred, Afrique du Sud

Rejoignez Hosco et recevez les dernières nouvelles et opportunités de Stenden South Africa gratuitement !

En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


Welcome to the world of hospitality management! It is a fascinating and rapidly changing industry that especially in South Africa is in great need of well educated professionals.

Professionally offering hospitality calls for in-depth knowledge, skills and an appropriate attitude. That is our business. Our study programme sets out to give students precisely those attributes. Succeeding in this aim requires a good attitude to studying and appropriate study behaviour. We hold our students to account for this attitude and behaviour in and outside of the classroom. We like to see our students approach all activities with devotion and involvement and seek to treat them as the potential leaders they are. The Hospitality industry is not for everyone. It is a seven days a week and a 24 hours a day industry that requires character and flair. As a student you will experience this in our institute where we expect you to take initiative, tackle problems and take responsibility.

Whether this is an industry for you is a question only you can answer. The academic years for you as a student will be a time of discovery, challenge and excitement. Discovery: “Can I handle the programme?” “Is the Hospitality industry for me?” “What will be asked of me?” Challenge: finding your level of competence, trying to exceed your limits and learning to balance work with play. Excitement: making new friends, expanding your horizons and celebrating success. I wish you all the best on this journey!

Stenden South Africa is a Private Higher Educational Institution offering a three year Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Hospitality Management. We are at present the only Institution in South Africa offering a Degree in Hospitality Management. Stenden South Africa is a satellite campus of Stenden University in The Netherlands that additionally operates campuses in Thailand, Qatar and Bali. Stenden South Africa is affiliated with the Mantis Collection of Hotels, with Adrian Gardiner (Director of Shamwari Game Reserve) being the chairman of our Board of Governors. With affiliations like these you are guaranteed a successful and exciting career in the world of Hospitality Management!

    Total number of students
    Number of alumni
    Internship Dates
    January / August
    Internship duration
    6 or 12 months
    3-years degree
    B.Com Hospitality Management
    4-years degree
    BBA Hospitality Management
    Hospitality Management and Disaster Management.

Actualités récentes de Stenden South Africa

Où nous trouver
Port Alfred, South Africa