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Encuentra Cursos en Hostelería & Turismo

Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Double Degree in Tourism and Marketing
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
The Double Degree in Tourism and Marketing is one of the new university degrees With better career opportunities through a combination of skills acquired by students in two of the professions with more employment.
5 años
En el campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Higher Degree in Hotel and Tourism Business Management
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Our strong character as a Business School positions us as one of the international references to provide face-to-face university training in the hotel and hospitality sector. The management of tourism businesses in all its forms (hotels and tourist accommodation, catering establishments, brokerage firms, consultancies) requires a professional to have a peculiar knowledge of their management. Therefore, a key factor to leverage the most skilled employment opportunities offered and demanded by the sector is the specialized training of management professionals in the tourism sector and quality with which they are provided. In this dual-degree program (private training – private degree), the School offers specialized training in Hotel and Tourism Business Management. This theoretical training is complemented by practical training in prestigious hotel companies, which will facilitate the student's access to the working world. This Senior Management career is complemented by internships in prestigious international companies, either in the most recognized hotel chains or in the most awarded restaurants in the world.
4 años
En el campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Higher Degree in Kitchen and Nutrition Management
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The management of tourism businesses in all its forms (hotels and tourist accommodation, catering establishments, brokerage firms, consultancies) requires a professional to have a peculiar knowledge of their management. Therefore, a key factor to leverage the most skilled employment opportunities offered and demanded by the sector is the specialized training of management professionals in the tourism sector and quality with which they are provided. In this dual-degree program (private training – private degree), the School offers specialized training in Kitchen and Nutrition Management. This training is completed with a period of professional internships in many prestigious companies where the students will be able to apply all the theoretical knowledge they would have acquired before giving them a real working experience.
4 años
En el campus
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Official Master’s Degree in Hotel Management
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Barcelona, Spain
Training to cultivate versatile professionals specialising in operations and advanced corporate management: able to take control of any part of a hotel business.
10 meses
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Pre-Commis Chef (Español)
Pre-Commis Chef (Español)
El programa en línea y gratuito de capacitación “Pre-Commis Chef” es para usted, si desea convertirse en un cocinero profesional o iniciar la capacitación para convertirse en chef.
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Official Master’s Degree in Management and Organisation of Event Tourism
Turisme i Direcció Hotelera / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Barcelona, Spain
Specialist training to work in all areas of the events sector, with placements hosted by prestigious organisers of conferences, conventions and major events.
7 meses
En el campus
Vatel Madrid (Spain)
Bachelor in International Hotel Management
Vatel Madrid (Spain)
Madrid, Spain
he Bachelor´s Degree in International Hotel Management programme is addressed to candidates who have succesfully completed High School studies and its final aim is to train future professionals in Operational Management in any hotel department. The duration of the programme is 3 years and includes 12 months of intern­ship in three to five star hotels in Spain as well as world­wide. Students will acquire experience associated with the reality of their future profession, develop teamwork aptitudes and gain experience in their desired future en­vironment. The duration of the programme is 3 years and includes 12 months of intern­ship in three to five star hotels in Spain as well as world­wide. Students will acquire experience associated with the reality of their future profession, develop teamwork aptitudes and gain experience in their desired future en­vironment.
3 años
En el campus
EUHT StPOL Barcelona - Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
Máster en Artes Culinarias, Innovación y Dirección de Cocina
EUHT StPOL Barcelona - Escuela Universitaria de Hotelería y Turismo de Sant Pol de Mar
Barcelona, Spain
Si llevas años dedicándote a la cocina y gastronomía y sientes que ha llegado el momento de subir el nivel de tu formación, o quieres seguir estudiando para especializarte en artes culinarias, este Máster es tu mejor apuesta.
1 año
En el campus


Courses Select
Professional Networking
Courses Select
You don't have to be an extrovert to be good at networking, and you don't have to be fake. In this course, former presidential campaign spokeswoman and self-professed introvert Dorie Clark shows you networking strategies that you can personalize to play to your strengths and connect with people you actually like. She helps you identify the most important people in your network and prioritize who is most critical to your success. She also helps you choose which networking events are a valuable use of your time, and shows how you can host one yourself. Then, you'll learn how to start conversations that build real connections, and use social media to network authentically. Last, she helps put all the elements together into a plan you can use to become a better networker.
29 minutos


Courses Select
Starting a Business 5: Managing Finances
Courses Select
Find out how forecasting and managing your finances can lead to a profitable and sustainable business.
14 dias


Courses Select
Starting a business 2: People and Networks
Courses Select
Find out how working with people and exploring networks can help you take your business to the next level.
14 dias


Courses Select
Hotel Management Course (Short Course)
Courses Select
The hospitality industry is one of the world’s strongest, wealthiest and most resilient. Creating millions of jobs and forming the backbone of so many nations’ economies, becoming proficient in hospitality management paves the way for a life-long career. Hotel management in particular has the potential to be an incredibly rewarding career path, given the constant global demand for quality hotel services. Whether looking to climb the ranks or branch out into something entirely new, studying hotel management could be the key that unlocks so many doors.
20 horas


Courses Select
Event Management (Short Course)
Courses Select
A uniquely rewarding, dynamic and diverse creative industry, a career in event management can be incredibly fulfilling. On a global basis, demand for increasingly extravagant and elaborate events has led to an enormous spike in demand for qualified and experienced event planners. From minor business meetings to major music festivals, the event manager serves as the linchpin that brings the whole thing together. If you thrive on the idea of realising the impossible and watching your vision come to life right before your eyes, event management could be the perfect career for you. With this high-quality free course available from Oxford Home Study College, why not take that first important step right now?
20 horas


Courses Select
English pronunciation in a global world
Courses Select
In this course you will improve your English pronunciation skills and learn about speaking English in today's globalised world.
1 mes


Courses Select
Branding Culture: Making Your Event Stand Out from the Crowd
Courses Select
Whether it's a music festival, a museum exhibition, a fashion event, a conference, a friend's wedding or birthday, or your block party, you need to attract your audience and communicate your event in an interesting, attractive way.
1 hora
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