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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration


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Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization
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Offered by Georgia Institute of Technology Improve Your English Communication Skills. Write and speak more professionally in English to increase your business success.
5 mois
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Effective Business Presentations with Powerpoint
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Offered by PWC This course is all about presenting the story of the data, using PowerPoint.
9 heures
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Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis
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With its roots in ancient cultures as early as 6,000 BC, wine has long been part of the human experience. Today, increasing worldwide interest in wine and its complexities and varieties has created an international market valued at $304 billion annually. For the learner who is just getting started in the study of wine, this course will help you take the first steps toward understanding the physiological process of wine tasting. The first module will explore types of wine and help you set up your own tasting. You’ll also begin to build a sensory vocabulary. In module 2 you will review classic wine types of the world and set up flights of specific wines. Later we’ll examine the various faults and defects that can appear in wine as well as techniques for spotting problems. In week 4 we’ll delve into the complex world of wine and food pairings, and its “seven deadly sins.” The course will culminate in a peer review project in which you will apply the knowledge and sensory techniques you have developed throughout the course to assess a specific wine.
14 heures
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Courses Select
Pricing Strategy
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Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they earn. After this course, you will be able to contribute to the process of formulating pricing strategies for your own products and services, or those of your firm. This course has an additional focus on pricing dynamics and the reaction to and by competitors, taking a highly pragmatic approach and one that is directly applicable to your day-to-day professional life. Martin Boehm - IE Professor and Dean of the Business School with over 10 years experience - will guide you through four modules. We begin with the importance of pricing and how it ultimately can affect the bottom line. Then, we move on to methods to help you decide what is the optimal price for your product; and then price discrimination - should all your products follow the same pricing strategy or should you differentiate depending on the customer segment? Finally, we look at pricing psychology and how you can manipulate customers in order to drive the highest possible price for your product.
14 heures
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Apprendre l’anglais avec ABA English
Apprendre l’anglais avec ABA English
Avec ABA English, vous apprenez l’anglais selon la méthode naturelle, comme vous avez appris votre langue maternelle. Pour cela, nous vous présentons notre méthode unique basée sur des vidéos et des cours en direct. Vous pouvez commencer à partir de zéro et atteindre le niveau le plus élevé (Business). Maîtriser l’anglais est une compétence indispensable si vous travaillez en contact avec le public, car elle vous permet de communiquer avec des gens du monde entier.


Courses Select
English for Business & Entrepreneurship
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Welcome to English for Business and Entrepreneurship, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select "Full Course. No certificate."
1 jour
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Courses Select
Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator
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This course will help you be a better negotiator. Unlike many negotiation courses, we develop a framework for analyzing and shaping negotiations. This framework will allow you to make principled arguments that persuade others. It will allow you to see beneath the surface of apparent conflicts to uncover the underlying interests. You will leave the course better able to predict, interpret, and shape the behavior of those you face in competitive situations.
1 jour
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Demand management: Breaking down today’s commercial silos
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"The biggest challenge facing the hospitality industry over the next 5 years is the lack of integration between the key commercial disciplines of sales, revenue, distribution and finance and the negative impact this will continue to have on delivering asset value and maximum profitability. "
14 heures
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Introduction to Public Speaking
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This course gives you a reliable model for preparing and delivering effective presentations.
12 heures
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Introduction to Social Media Marketing
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This course lays the foundation of social media marketing. You’ll learn what social media marketing entails, including the history and the different social media channels that exist. You’ll learn how to select a social media channel that fits your needs, set goals and success metrics, and determine who your target audience is.
14 heures
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Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters
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How can you bring your resume to the top of the pile? How can you present yourself to prospective employers using the language they already speak inside their organization? This course will give you answers to those questions. You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands.
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The Meat we eat
Courses Select
quality, safety, healthfulness and sustainability of muscle foods
14 heures
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Glion Institute of Higher Education
The Luxury Industry: Customers and Luxury Experiences
Glion Institute of Higher Education
Understand the role of customer experiences in the luxury industry and what luxury experiences may look like in the future.
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Basic English 1: Elementary
Courses Select
Learn basic English for everyday situations and improve your listening skills with this online course.
1 mois
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Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish Vocabulary Specialization
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Offered by University of California, Davis Learn Spanish. Build a working vocabulary of 1,500 of the most used words and phrases.
5 mois
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