



À propos du poste

Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Beijing, Chengdu

Hotel: Chengdu Wenjiang (CTUBC), No.619A North Phoenix Street, Wenjiang District, 611130

Job number: 127494



1 阶段 - 培训:

• 在酒店的不同部门轮岗,认识并更深入地了解酒店生态系统以及各酒店部门如何协同合作。

• 履行所分配的轮岗岗位的相关职责,参加并完成胜任该轮岗岗位所需的培训。

• 与指导人员及导师建立良好关系,开始正式的学习之旅。

2 阶段 - 专业发展:

• 积极广泛地涉猎专业领域事务,包括全面参与及履行工作职能,了解期望的服务行为及部门间的联系,利用报告对数据进行分析,把握趋势并推荐具有前瞻性的解决方案,以及参加分配的与该工作相关的在线和 / 或其他培训课程。

• 承担起直属经理的职责,保证团队指导工作的日常委派,参与团队成员的面试、招聘和培训,评估工作成果并给予反馈。

• 检查、交付并展示项目成果,以证明具备胜任经理职务的能力。

• 参加非正式谈话,为绩效评估提供支持。

3 阶段 - 针对性发展:

• 在指导人员与导师的支持下,深入专业领域学习,并制定计划以启动量身定制的“发展体验”计划。



• 对人、对服务和对酒店业拥有热情

• 对富有挑战性的加速培养计划感到兴奋

• 对学习及快速成长具有强烈渴望

• 拥有卓越的领导力潜能以及关系构建能力

• 能够自信地交流,具有上进心、主动务实并且善于应对挑战

• 对于酒店运营(从规划宾客体验到了解营收驱动因素)感兴趣

• 具备一定的英语表达能力(包括口语和书面语)

• 您必须有资格在当地工作(拥有居住许可证或护照)

• 拥有大学学历,并具备至少6 个月的酒店业工作 / 实习经验 ( 主管经验将获优先考虑 )

At IHG, we’ve made a promise. As one of the world’s leading hotel groups, we’re here to deliver True Hospitality for Good. Making our guests and colleagues feel welcome, cared for, recognised and respected – wherever they are in the world. Want to be part of the journey?

Join Crowne Plaza one of the largest and best loved premium hotel brands in the world. With more than 420 hotels in diverse locations globally Crowne Plaza is the perfect base to connect on business, pleasure or a blend of both. We've thoughtfully designed our spaces to encourage, support and celebrate great connections. We're also big on meetings and events, a trusted and valued partner for connecting both domestic and global groups alike. 

Our branded service style 'Dare to Connect' is crafted for connection. Designed for humans not nameless guests or colleagues. Still professional but touches guests on an emotional level. Where colleagues take their initiative and use their personality because they make a crucial difference in the guest's experience. The role of every colleague at Crowne Plaza is to create memorable emotional connections and the job of every leader is to create an environment where that can happen.

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.


Chengdu, Chine

Temps plein, Indéfini

Date de début du contrat:

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