Resumen del curso

Double Bachelor's degree: 3-year overview

Lo que vas a aprender

This programme is designed for students seeking a career in international hospitality, tourism, and any other industry where close attention to the customer and stakeholder experience is a key formula to success. Offered in partnership with Washington State University, USA, the three-year programme culminates with the development of a personalised business plan. Upon graduation, students will be awarded with: • Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management awarded by University of Derby, UK • Bachelor of International Business in Hotel and Tourism Management awarded by César Ritz Colleges Switzerland

Detalles del curso

¿A quién va dirigido este curso?

This course is for High School Graduates (IB Diploma, IBCP Diploma, Maturité, Abitur, French Bac, 2 A-levels, high school diploma or equivalent). Requires an English language proficiency of TOEFL iBT 55 or IELTS 5.5 or OOPT 50+ or equivalent and the recommended minimum age of 18 years.