Résumé du cours

Double Bachelor's degree: 3-year overview

Ce que vous apprendrez

This programme is designed for students seeking a career in international hospitality, tourism, and any other industry where close attention to the customer and stakeholder experience is a key formula to success. Offered in partnership with Washington State University, USA, the three-year programme culminates with the development of a personalised business plan. Upon graduation, students will be awarded with: • Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management awarded by University of Derby, UK • Bachelor of International Business in Hotel and Tourism Management awarded by César Ritz Colleges Switzerland

Détails du cours

À qui s'adresse ce cours?

This course is for High School Graduates (IB Diploma, IBCP Diploma, Maturité, Abitur, French Bac, 2 A-levels, high school diploma or equivalent). Requires an English language proficiency of TOEFL iBT 55 or IELTS 5.5 or OOPT 50+ or equivalent and the recommended minimum age of 18 years.