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Encuentra Cursos en Hostelería & Turismo

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Addressing Workplace Behavior Issues
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Managers must foster a good workplace atmosphere and be able to deal effectively with behavior issues as they arise. Doing so improves productivity and employee engagement and helps an organization avoid costly legal liability.
14 dias
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Countering Bias in the Workplace for HR
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In this course, you will learn about perceptual and psychological processes that impact the way that individuals interact with people who are demographically dissimilar from them. You will examine psychological processes that impact personnel decision making within organizations. This understanding will help HR professionals to design better practices and will help line managers to more effectively leverage the potential among employees from diverse backgrounds. The course will also help you understand why “Diversity” is now often referred to as “Diversity & Inclusion” by explaining what inclusion is and how it differs from diversity. Why is inclusion so important, and what are its building blocks?
14 dias
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Mastering the Time Value of Money
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Managing a business means managing its financial resources, regardless of your job title. Your ability to make smart decisions about projects relies on your understanding of timelines and cash-flow calculations to track cash flow and payments, the value of securities and investments, and how to determine overall cost effectiveness. To do this, you need a good working knowledge of a number of financial concepts.
14 dias
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Achiving Hotel Asset Management Objectives
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Ultimately, the goal of an asset manager is to strategically oversee hotel operations to meet the hotel owner’s investment objectives. To help you meet that goal, Cornell University professor Jan deRoos introduces the latest asset management techniques and provides a set of five practical tools that both owners and asset managers can use to achieve their strategic objectives.
14 dias
Pre-Commis Chef (Español)
Pre-Commis Chef (Español)
El programa en línea y gratuito de capacitación “Pre-Commis Chef” es para usted, si desea convertirse en un cocinero profesional o iniciar la capacitación para convertirse en chef.
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Valuing Hotel Investments Through Effective Forecasting
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For a hotel investment to be successful, you must first have accurate and reliable data about the critical aspects of the hotel operation, such as occupancy, revenue, expenses, and cash flows. But how do you generate these detailed forecasts? In this course, Cornell University professor Jan deRoos leads you through this analysis using the Hotel Valuation Software he developed with HVS International.
14 dias
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Brand Strategy
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In this course, you will focus on how to optimize a brand's strategy approach to the market. By identifying opportunities and threats to a brand using Porter's Five Forces model, you will analyze how you can strengthen a brand's position. You will then take this analysis a step further with “Z-SWOT”, where you will identify the brand's opportunities and threats in relation to its strengths and weaknesses. You will then create an action plan where you will prioritize strategies that can enable the brand performance to be maximized. By the end of this course, you will have clear strategies on how a brand can best capitalize on its position in the market.
14 dias
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Services Marketing Planning and Management
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Services marketing is often viewed in terms of outcomes, but services marketing is also an ongoing analytic process. In this course, you will learn how to properly analyze frameworks, tools, channels, data sets, customer behavioral data, decision-making factors, and strategies that support broader marketing decisions. Authored by Robert Kwortnik from Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration, this course will teach you how to review the way marketing works in your organization and how to create and apply a services marketing process.
14 dias
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Managing Real Estate Development Projects
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Real estate development projects have many moving pieces; the project manager guides and aligns resources to bring those pieces together into a coherent, financially successful whole.
14 dias
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Using Predictive Data Analysis
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The sheer variety of sources and types of data that can aid in decision making are almost overwhelming. The key to making good use of the data lies in knowing what specifically to pay attention to, understanding the relationships and variables among the data, and making the right connections. Experience is essential to knowing and making educated guesses about what to pay attention to. Familiarity with statistical methods will provide you with a significant advantage over relying on gut instinct alone.
14 dias
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Using Ratio Analysis to Evaluate Financial Performance
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A company's financial performance, and its ability to grow and thrive over time, can be assessed through ratio analysis, the basic evaluation tool for asset management, solvency and profitability. Whether you are managing the financial performance of a department, unit, or the organization as a whole, working with these ratios can help identify opportunities and allow you to make adjustments to improve performance.
14 dias
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Real Estate Investment Decisions
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Real estate investment has a long history, going back well before the advent of the stock market. But unlike investing in stocks, real estate usually requires the use of leverage: a property is acquired with a percentage of equity, the rest financed with debt. To make that risk pay off, investors must have a clear strategy, know whether investments will be profitable, and understand how best to raise capital. In this course, Jan A. deRoos, professor at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, uses real-world examples and practical tools to teach these critical components of profitable real estate investment.
14 dias
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Financial Analysis of Hotel Investments
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Investing in hotel real estate is a complicated and rewarding endeavor. To be successful, hotel investors must be able to determine the financial interests of those involved in any project.
14 dias
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Implementing Brand Strategy Through Digital Media
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Hospitality marketing is fast shifting from traditional media to digital forms (e.g., social media, video, website and search, plus mobile applications). New-media technologies have changed the ways consumers experience and value a product or service. So how can you draw on these technologies to enhance your operations and provide distinct customer value? And how can you be sure your efforts in new media are producing tangible returns?
14 dias
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Brand Activation
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In this course, you will see that brand activation is much more than clever communications or perfectly placed messages. You will begin developing your skills in brand activation by identifying and analyzing a brand target market and determining consumer insights that will prepare you to create an activation plan. You will then define the brand values, personality, and purpose, and craft a brand positioning statement for your selected brand. These elements help ensure the activation plan aligns with the brand. You will also write key elements of a communication brief to ensure that all messaging and communication pieces align with the brand and with each other. Finally, you will outline a marketing communications approach specific to your brand and your target market that will lend itself to successful brand activation.
14 dias
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