Résumé du cours

Workplace Ethics is an introduction on how to recognise and navigate ethical principles, and help distinguish between what you feel is 'right' and what you feel is 'wrong'. The course will provide an understanding of the simple principles of being; "honest, legal, decent and truthful". Workplace Ethics is designed for all employees and of most benefit to business leaders in their pursuit to create ethical workplaces which are essential for success.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Ce que vous apprendrez
You will learn: – What do we mean by Ethics? – Why is it important? – Workplace Ethics – Workplace Values – Workplace Ethical Behaviour – The Unethical Workplace – Summary – Quiz

Détails du cours

À qui s'adresse ce cours?

Workplace ethics will assist you in creating a culture of 'doing what is right' and not just doing 'what is easy.' The workplace can be a complicated place with many rules and regulations that govern aspects of how it operates. However, one area that is not regulated is the ethics of how the business and its people behave.</p> How we behave at work is often a reflection of how the business behaves, how employees behave to each other, and ultimately how they then behave to their customers.</p> This course will provide an understanding of the simple principles of being "honest, legal, decent and truthful". Workplace Ethics is designed for all employees and of most benefit to business leaders in their pursuit to create ethical workplaces which are essential for success.