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Parcourez les Cours Hotellerie Restauration

Master ALMA - AIS
Parma, Italy
Il Master ALMA AIS è il corso di alta formazione in Comunicazione, Gestione & Marketing del vino che completa il bagaglio di conoscenze del Sommelier con una preparazione specifica dedicata. Tecniche di marketing e di vendita, degustazioni e uscite didattiche: il programma del master si rivolge a sommelier già qualificati che sono alla ricerca di un percorso di specializzazione sul vino. Il piano didattico è infatti pensato per chi lavora, ma vuole tenersi sempre aggiornato.
7 mois
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CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Curso de iniciación a la Sumillería
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Barcelona, Spain
El Curso de Sommelier semipresencial permite al profesional del vino adquirir, ampliar y/o actualizar su formación en este ámbito aprovechando las ventajas del formato semipresencial, al mismo tiempo que cuenta con el soporte de la amplia experiencia y prestigio de la formación presencial en sumillería del CETT. En el Curso de Sommelier semipresencial el alumno se beneficia, de esta manera, de lo mejor de las dos metodologías: en línea y presencial. Permite, por un lado, que la teoría y gran parte de las actividades se realicen de forma virtual, utilizando las herramientas digitales más innovadoras y contando con el apoyo y el seguimiento experto de nuestros docentes de forma individual y personalizada. Por otro lado, la parte presencial permite consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos anteriormente realizándose de forma intensiva, por lo cual, la asistencia a los módulos presenciales es obligatoria. El alumno que supere el Curso de Sommelier semipresencial obtendrá el título de Certificado de Extensión Universitaria del CETT-UB.
1 mois
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Ecole Ducasse - Paris Campus
Arts of Service & Sommelier Essentials
Ecole Ducasse - Paris Campus
Meudon, France
Discover contemporary approaches to service design and delivery Take a journey through service excellence, learning how to design memorable guest experiences across different types of restaurants and venues.
2 mois
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Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Specialist Technical Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The catering sector, from a restaurant service standpoint, is today one of the sectors with the greatest professional progression, with wide and varied professional opportunities. The management of restaurant establishments requires highly qualified and specialized professionals not only in service techniques and organization of the work team, but also in matters that are necessary for the correct management of the restaurant: customer service, marketing and sales, cocktails , sommelier and knowledge of wines, food and wine pairings, dishes in sight of the client, confection of menus, organization of events, or collective catering, among others. The theoretical-practical training is completed with a period of professional internships in national and international catering companies (hotels, restaurants, caterings) during the two years of the course.
2 ans
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International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Master Keys - Restaurant and Sommelier
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Restaurant and service management is in need of highly qualified professionals that have to be able to offer the best attention to the customer about selling methods, design and marketing of restaurant products, wine service, food and wine pairings, cocktails, banqueting, organization of events, etc. All of these subjects are fundamental disciplines in the training of specialized professionals in restaurant services and having as an objective to prepare the student to plan, organize, develop, control and manage restaurant activities, coordinating and supervising the different resources in the food and beverage area.
3 ans
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Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Superior Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The pedagogical criteria with which the superior diploma training programs are developed favor the personal and professional development of the students, promote teamwork, and initiative. It prepares them for research in matters related to gastronomy and catering, while adapting to the real needs of companies in the hospitality sector. This training is complemented by internships in prestigious restaurants, hotel companies, and other catering establishments, which will facilitate the student's access to the world of work.
3 ans
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HEC Faculty for International Management in Tourism and Hotel Industry
International Gastronomy and Hospitality Management
HEC Faculty for International Management in Tourism and Hotel Industry
This program is designed to provide students with all the knowledge and skills required by a career in the gastronomy and hospitality industry. Considering that it is one of the most progressive industries in the world market, there is a constant demand for highly qualified personnel, people whose education is service oriented and management techniques. Students learn the basics of hospitality and gastronomy, as well as management skills including computer science, menu planning, financial analysis, and project management and quality in the hospitality industry. Emphasis is placed on applied knowledge that empowers students to work in restaurants and hotels, and through collaboration with Algonquin College of Canada, enables them to earn both Montenegrin and Canadian diplomas
3 ans
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