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Food+ by Compass Group

Food+ by Compass Group

Munich, Germany

Iscriviti a Hosco e ricevi gli ultimi aggiornamenti e le opportunità da Food+ by Compass Group. È gratis!

Come membro di Hosco, hai accesso a contenuti dedicati all'ospitalità e a migliaia di posti di lavoro e stage in tutto il mondo.


We are Food+ by Compass, a team of experienced chefs, service professionals, managers and experts. At one of the largest tech companies in the world, we help on-site employees achieve greatness through outstanding culinary experiences.
The Food+ by Compass team does it all - cafes serving thousands of meals daily, state-of-the-art spaces with original offerings, specialty catering services, artisanal coffee bars and more.

In our unique environment, we truly view food as an experience - and as an important component of our customers' workplace. The Food+ team's care and creativity helps foster innovation, connection and community, whether we're hosting a special pop-up event, running cooking classes or simply chatting with a guest while they prepare their morning cappuccino.

    Part of
    Compass Group

Aggiornamenti recenti di Food+ by Compass Group

Dove siamo
Erika-Mann-Straße 33, 80636 München, Germany
Aziende consigliate
Capital Motion Restaurants Management
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Manchester, United Kingdom
Messanges, France
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