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Trova Corsi nel Settore Alberghiero e Turistico

CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Curso de iniciación a la Sumillería
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Barcelona, Spain
El Curso de Sommelier semipresencial permite al profesional del vino adquirir, ampliar y/o actualizar su formación en este ámbito aprovechando las ventajas del formato semipresencial, al mismo tiempo que cuenta con el soporte de la amplia experiencia y prestigio de la formación presencial en sumillería del CETT. En el Curso de Sommelier semipresencial el alumno se beneficia, de esta manera, de lo mejor de las dos metodologías: en línea y presencial. Permite, por un lado, que la teoría y gran parte de las actividades se realicen de forma virtual, utilizando las herramientas digitales más innovadoras y contando con el apoyo y el seguimiento experto de nuestros docentes de forma individual y personalizada. Por otro lado, la parte presencial permite consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos anteriormente realizándose de forma intensiva, por lo cual, la asistencia a los módulos presenciales es obligatoria. El alumno que supere el Curso de Sommelier semipresencial obtendrá el título de Certificado de Extensión Universitaria del CETT-UB.
1 mese
Online / Campus


Shake Your Future
Shake Your Future
🍸 Shake Your Future es un programa de formación gratuito orientado a ayudar a desempleados y poco representados en España a iniciar una carrera de éxito como bartender profesional. No espere una oportunidad. ¡Créalo! 🍸
2 mesi
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Professional Patisserie Course
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The integration of operational and technical elements of patisserie and confectionery together with the theoretical knowledge will serve as a pillar for the development of this professional activity (Menu design and creation, pastry gastronomical sales, use of products and tools, etc.) the theoretical training is complemented with a period of professional internships in a real context, in the workshop-room of patisserie and confectionery and in the school’s restaurant. Duration: 240 hours (48 hours theoretical + 192 practical) Content: BLOQUE 1. INTRODUCTION: Food manipulation and handling, Occupational Risk Prevention in the kitchen. Kitchen organization, machinery, and tools. BLOQUE 2. PATISSERIE BASES BLOQUE 3. BASIC PRODUCTS OF BAKING AND PASTRIES BLOQUE 4. PASTRY TECHNOLOGY I. DOUGHS, CREAMS AND FILLERS BLOQUE 5. PASTRY TECHNOLOGY II. SPECIAL BAKING AND PASTRY PREPARATIONS BLOQUE 6. FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SAFTEY BLOQUE 7. CREATION AND PRESENTATION OF DESSERTS AND PASTRY PRODUCTS BLOQUE 8. DECORATION Y PRESENTATION
3 mesi
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Professional Restaurant Cook Course
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Today, gastronomy is a sector with wide and varied professional opportunities, and the profession of chef has achieved great social recognition. A good chef must know from the base the kitchen management techniques, the instruments to be used, the treatment of raw materials, and the traditional and most innovative culinary preparations, to successfully achieve his incorporation into this sector as a professional.. With this objective, this course of preparation for PROFESSIONAL CUISINE IN RESTAURANTS takes place in a practical and real environment, in the School's own restaurant, combining theoretical training with practical preparation, which will allow the student to develop practical skills in the kitchen or expand their culinary knowledge and improve their techniques. Duration: 240 hours (60 hours theoretical + 180 practical) Content: BLOQUE 1. INTRODUCTION: Food manipulation and handling, Occupational Risk Prevention in the kitchen. Kitchen organization, machinery, and tools. BLOQUE 2. KITCHEN BASES BLOQUE 3. BASIC PRODUCTS OF THE KITCHEN BLOQUE 4. KITCHEN TECHNOLOGY. GOURMET PRODUCTS AND PREPARATIONS BLOQUE 5. FOOD TECHNOLOGY BLOQUE 6. CREATION AND PRESENTATION OF DISHES
3 mesi
Nel campus
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Pre-Commis Chef (Italiano)
Iscriviti GRATIS al nostro programma di formazione Pre-Commis Chef, è facile da seguire e in appena 3 mesi, o prima, potresti essere pronto per il tuo primo lavoro in una cucina professionale.
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Grado superior en gestión de alojamientos turísticos
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
El ciclo superior en gestión de alojamientos turísticos que ofrece la Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani es la oportunidad perfecta para dedicarse profesionalmente a la organización y controlar de establecimientos en alojamiento turístico. Aprenderás y aplicaras las políticas empresariales y podrás trabajar en los diferentes departamentos.
2 anni
Nel campus
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Tourism Accomodation Management
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
The vocational education tourism accommodation management offering School University Mediterrani is the perfect opportunity to make a career in organization and control of establishments in tourist accommodation . You learn and apply business policies and can work in different departments.
2 anni
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Superior Diploma in Spanish Cuisine and Gastronomy
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The great vocation that nowadays exist for cuisine, within the frame of a country with such an extraordinary gastronomic richness and tradition, must be carried to the professional field in a coherent, practical, and efficient way. This training will allow the student to get to know the world of professional cuisine through the knowledge of food and the technology applied to it, learning the conservation techniques, manipulation and preparation, nutritional aspects and quality control and food security, while learning about different cuisines from all over the world and other complementary gastronomic products. The students will also learn about the aspects related to restaurant management and investigation and innovation for the development of new products with the aim of training future chefs in a comprehensive way. The theoretical-practical training is complemented with professional internships in national and international restaurants which will ease the student’s access to the professional culinary world with guarantees of success.
10 mesi
Nel campus
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Técnico Superior en Gestión de Alojamientos Turísticos
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Barcelona, Spain
El CETT imparte este ciclo con el objetivo de formar a los futuros profesionales del sector hotelero en los aspectos operativos y de gestión de las diferentes áreas de los establecimientos de alojamiento, como la recepción y el servicio de atención a la clientela, la supervisión y gestión del departamento de pisos, la comercialización y venta de los productos y servicios que se ofrecen, la gestión y coordinación de los eventos, o la gestión operativa global.
2 mesi
Nel campus
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Diploma Superior de Sumiller
CETT-UB Tourism / Hospitality / Gastronomy - Educational & Research
Barcelona, Spain
En este nuevo marco de creciente protagonismo de los vinos a nivel general y de aumento cuantitativo y cualitativo de la oferta, se hace necesario contar con profesionales que tengan una amplia preparación, no sólo en el cultivo de la vid y de la elaboración de vinos, sino también en su comercialización, conservación y servicio. Los cánones de servicio tradicionales han experimentado cambios acordes a los nuevos diseños de copas, nuevas pautas de maridajes y mejores adecuaciones de temperatura. Este curso va destinado a profesionales del sector de la restauración y/o profesionales vinculados a la alimentación y a las bebidas que deseen iniciarse o ampliar sus conocimientos.
6 mesi
Nel campus
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Grado en Turismo EU
Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani
Barcelona, Spain
Si te interesan los proyectos turísticos, hoteleros o gastronómicos y quieres recibir una formación diferenciadora, que te permita aspirar a los mejores puestos del sector con una preparación lingüística exclusiva, que te abra las puertas al mercado internacional, sin olvidar las nuevas tecnologías de internet (disfrutarás de un portátil Apple de regalo y de uso habitual en las aulas) haz tu matrícula en el Grado de Turismo de la Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani.
9 mesi
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Specialist Technical Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The catering sector, from a restaurant service standpoint, is today one of the sectors with the greatest professional progression, with wide and varied professional opportunities. The management of restaurant establishments requires highly qualified and specialized professionals not only in service techniques and organization of the work team, but also in matters that are necessary for the correct management of the restaurant: customer service, marketing and sales, cocktails , sommelier and knowledge of wines, food and wine pairings, dishes in sight of the client, confection of menus, organization of events, or collective catering, among others. The theoretical-practical training is completed with a period of professional internships in national and international catering companies (hotels, restaurants, caterings) during the two years of the course.
2 anni
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Cuisine Expert - ESH
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
With this course, the student will know the way a kitchen works and how it must be managed and they will specialize in preparation and production techniques of culinary products through the knowledge of food and its technology, conservation techniques, manipulation and elaboration, nutritional aspects, and quality control and food safety. They will know the characteristics of food and the products with which they will develop culinary preparations to include in the menus; they will be able to manage the intrinsic processes of the kitchen area related to the safety and hygiene requisites.
1 anno
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Specialist Technical Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The school offers a specialized training program in cooking and gastronomy, which allow students enter the professional world by studying food and raw materials, its science and technology, meanwhile learning conservation techniques, handling, and preparation of the same, without forgetting nutritional aspects, quality control, and food safety, all with the knowledge of world cuisines and other complementary gastronomic products. But also, the student will learn aspects related to the management of catering companies and with research and innovation for the development of new culinary products. All this with the aim of integrally training future chefs and pastry chefs. The theoretical-practical training at the School is complemented by internships in national and international catering companies, which will facilitate access to the professional world of cooking with guarantees of success.
2 anni
Nel campus
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Restaurant Services Expert - ESH
Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
The school offers this innovative course of specialized training in restaurant services which will allow the student to know the reality of the catering sector in a theoretical-practical environment, easing their access to the working world with guarantees of success. This course contemplates a practical program based on the “Know How”, with more than 700 hours of curricular practical training in the school and 3 months of internships in national and international hospitality companies. The subjects imparted are focused on the study of vital matter for the appropriate restaurant service: customer service, sale, wines service, food and wine pairing, cocktail, banqueting, as well as the knowledge of food and raw materials, and their nutritional aspects, food security and the understanding of the most innovative service techniques.
1 anno
Nel campus
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