Essential Public Health by Lobster Ink
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What you will learn
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world are navigating unforeseen challenges relating to public health. Added to this pressure, building consumer confidence has never been more important.
Now, more so than ever, training has a critical role to play in onboarding and equipping frontline teams with the new know-how they need to assure customer safety.
The Essential Public Health Program is comprised of the most urgent health and safety topics at any given time. This first release focuses on basic behavioral training to help combat the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnering with Ecolab experts and informed by the best practice guidelines provided by the CDC and WHO, initial topics include COVID-19 basics, correct use of face coverings, heightened cleaning & disinfecting, and Reassuring Guests.
Four courses will equip your frontline with the know-how they need to respond to some of the challenges of the new normal.
- R E D U C I N G E X P O S U R E TO C O V I D - 1 9
- H E I G H T E N E D C L E A N I N G & D I S I N F E C T I N G
- E F F E C T I V E U S E O F FA C E C O V E R I N G S & G L O V E S
- R E A S S U R I N G G U E S T S