USALI Certificate program - 11th edition

USALI Certificate program - 11th edition

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What you will learn

HFTP is now offering two new certificate courses which demonstrate your expertise on the USALI 11th edition. The objective is for participants to understand the history, use and content of the USALI. The courses are available to all, with no previous experience required. Theory Certificate The USALI-11 Theory Certificate course will cover the layout and content of the financial statements for each operating department and undistributed departments. In addition, the course will review the Non-Operating Income and Expense section, Net vs Gross Revenue reporting and the ratios provided in the 11th edition. Practice — Analysis & Compliance Certificate The USALI-11 Practice — Analysis & Compliance Certificate course will take the knowledge base from the theory course and apply numbers to it and provide insight on how best to analyze and interpret the information in the financial statements. Emphasis will be placed on vertical analysis, horizontal analysis, and ratios.