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Most companies would use these 2000 characters to tell you how great they are or tell you about their outstanding ways of doing business. From a marketing point of view that probably makes sense, yes. And most companies will probably argue that social media is the platform to do just that. Promote, engage, sell.
Well, we are not "most companies" and thus are not looking to primarily source you as a client or future employee on this platform. We're not going to lie, we'd rather have you follow our page, than not follow our page, but we aren't going to tell you how great we are to seduce you into staying in touch with us. a) Who are we to judge whether we are any good? b) Wouldn't you rather figure out yourself whether you L.I.K.E. us, instead of us telling you why you should? and c) You'll have read convincing introductions thousand of times previously. Although some of you may have never followed a page on LinkedIN or any other social media platform before, but there's a first time for everything...
So what can you expect here? A good mix of everything. Primarily future-driven information and news related to hospitality. Some re-posted, some written, researched and produced by us. Some text, some videos or images. But, let us warn you right here and now: Not everything that will be posted here is going to be serious. We love to crack a joke or 5, and are not afraid to hit you with some humor when we feel it's getting a little boring out there.
Bottom line, you should follow this page because you like the content or the people behind the company. Or because you support what we do here, not because we tell you that we are good at what we do. So take your time. Check out the last couple of posts, get a feel for the kind of fun we have here and if you L.I.K.E. what you see, press the bright yellow button up top that reads "follow" to stay in touch.
Otherwise, following us would quite frankly be a waste of your time - and of ours.
Stay curious!
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