South Tyrolean Chefs Association - SKV
South Tyrolean Chefs Association - SKV
Paris, France

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Almost 2,000 members benefit from the advantages of the SKV ...
Monthly mailing of the specialist magazine "SKV-Zeitung" Discounts in numerous speciality stores nationwide Subject-related further training offers, such as seminars and courses Information and advice on job-specific questions Information about new trends, new training concepts and current events in the field of gastronomy, hotels and catering Financial support for participating in culinary competitions at home and abroad Special conditions through conventions with insurance providers Publication of personal recipes and menu compositions in the SKV newspaper The annual fee for members is only € 62.00. For members in other European countries, the annual amount is € 80.00. For members outside of Europe, the annual amount is € 100.00.

Recent updates by South Tyrolean Chefs Association - SKV

Parent community
Where we're based
Vicolo Rigolett, 98, 39056 Carezza BZ, Italy
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